【活動】2019年10月 5回目のハイチ新型コロナウイルス感染症対策【5th Health Promotion of the COVID-19 in Francisco orphanage Haiti】を行いました。

【5th Health Promotion of the COVID-19 in Francisco orphanage Haiti】
2週間前、フランシスコ孤児院で生活する Sylvioクン11歳が、新型コロナウイルス感染の疑いで近くBon Repos病院へ検査入院していましたが、陰性とわかりスタッフ一同安堵しています。



新型コロナウイルスが世界的に猛威をふるい現地に足を運ぶことができないイマ、ハイチのこどもたちを支えてくれているスタッフみんなに改めて感謝します。Two weeks ago, 11-year-old boy, Sylvio, who lives in Francisco orphanage went to Bon Repos hospital near the Port-au France  Haiti. He was suspected of being infected with COVID19 and got tested. Eventually, it turned out as negative, which was a relief for all of us. 
On 15th June, Dr.Mac visited the Francisco orphanage and provided health check, meals, and water. The other day we plated the banana tree that it seems to be growing in garden 
We appreciate all efforts of local members who have been supporting children in Haiti in this challenging moment. Also, we are grateful for everyone’s support from Japan.
